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Single-phase motors 0.12 kW - 3.7 kW

JS-Technik GmbH is specialized on a wide range of challenges in the professional drive technology field with a focus on AC motors, three-phase motors, single-phase motors and geared motors.

 Single-phase motor according to CSA

Single-phase motor according to CSA

Motor sizes and powers

On this page, you will find a selection of single-phase motors in sizes of 63, BG71, BG80, BG90, BG100 and BG112 and with powers of 0.18 kW, 0.25 kW, 0.37 kW, 0.55 kW, 0.75 kW, 1.1 kW, 1.5 kW, 2.2 kW, 3.0 kW and 3.7 kW.

The single-phase motor

Our AC motors are offered with operating capacitors and starting capacitors. The version with two capacitors is designed for heavy starting. Basically, our AC motors can be operated with clockwise or anticlockwise rotation as required, i.e. we provide a motor with operation in both senses of rotation. Changing the sense of rotation only requires a change in energizing current flow. For AC motors, the rated voltage has been changed from 220V to 230V; for three-phase motors, from 380V to 400V.

AC motor power expressed in kW or HP

The conversion factor between kW and HP is 0.73549875. That means, 1 HP equals 0.73549875 kW and 1 kW is equal to 1.359621617 HP.

AC motor designed as special motor

In many cases, AC motors are needed to be designed to match customer's individual requirements. With our qualified personnel, our large stock of motors and our own final assembly, we are a perfect partner for businesses that need external expertise in a large spectrum of issues – whether it is a special AC motor with a special shaft, specific supply voltage, single-phase motors with different degrees of protection, etc.

The way an AC motor works

At least two alternating voltages that are out of phase with each other need to be produced in the coils. When you use a one phase motor, you don't have three phases, but only one phase from which current is drawn. That means a so-called auxiliary phase needs to be created. One of the two stator windings is fed by the single-phase supply; as the voltage produced in the second winding has to be out of phase with the first finding by 90°, a capacitor is connected in series with the second winding. That will give a phase shift on the second winding. The rotating magnetic field produced in this way would suffice to move the rotor, but it is dependent on the load and generates low torque. Hence, capacitor motors should start up to the rated speed with as little load as possible. The starting torque can be noticeably improved by intermittently connecting a so-called starting capacitor of 2-3times the size in series with the other capacitor, which is energized only during the high-torque starting operation. Here it needs to be considered that the motor requires a starting current that is many times higher than the operating current at rated speed.  Exactly speaking, the size of a capacitor can only be optimized for a single load case. When the capacitor is optimally dimensioned, approx. 65% of the mechanical power can be achieved in comparison to an asynchronous motor of similar construction with three-phase supply. Usually high-quality capacitors are used for the phase shifter, i.e. the starting capacitor. The capacitance is typically 20µF per kW motor power. For heavy starting, the capacitance can be up to approx. 50µF/kW.

SEO: AC Motor 220V- 230V- 240V, Single-phase motors 0.12 kW - 3.7 kW