Terms of service
General terms and conditions with customer information for private customers
General information:
work on our products for transport, connection, commissioning and
regular maintenance must be carried out by qualified, responsible
specialist personnel (observe VDE 0105; IEC 364).
§ 1 Scope, customer information
following general terms and conditions (GTC) regulate the contractual
relationship between JS-Technik GmbH and consumers who buy our goods.
The contract language is German.
§ 2 Conclusion of contract
(1) The offers on the Internet represent a non-binding invitation to you to buy goods.
You can add one or more products to the shopping cart lay. In the
course of the ordering process, you enter your data and wishes regarding
payment method, delivery modalities, etc. Only when you click on the
order button do you make a binding offer to conclude a purchase
contract. You can also place a binding order by telephone. The immediate
confirmation of receipt of your order by e-mail or fax does not
constitute acceptance of the purchase offer.
(3) We are entitled to
reject your offer within 3 working days. After the three working days
have expired without result, your offer is considered accepted, i.e. you
are bound by your offer. In the case of a telephone order, the purchase
contract is concluded if we accept your offer immediately. If the offer
is not accepted immediately, then you are no longer bound by it.
§ 3 Customer information: storage of the text of the contract
order with details of the concluded contract (e.g. type of product,
price, etc.) will be stored by us. We will send you the General Terms
and Conditions, but you can access the General Terms and Conditions at
any time via our website after the contract has been concluded. As a
registered customer, you can access your past orders via the customer
login area (orders).
§ 4 Customer information: Correction notice
can correct your entries at any time before submitting the order with
the delete button. We will inform you about further correction options
on the way through the ordering process. You can also completely end the
ordering process at any time by closing the browser window.
§ 5 Retention of title
The object of purchase remains our property until full payment.
§ 6 Statutory warranty rights and statute of limitations
(1) There are statutory warranty rights for our goods. (Warranty 2 years for new goods.)
Your claims for defects in used items expire one year after the item
sold has been handed over to you. Excluded from this regulation are
claims for damages, claims due to defects that we have fraudulently
concealed, and claims from a guarantee that we may have assumed for the
condition of the item. For these excluded claims, the statutory
limitation periods apply. If there is a guarantee period, the longer
period applies in favor of the buyer.
§ 7 Limitation of Liability
exclude liability for slightly negligent breaches of duty, provided
these are not contractual obligations, damages resulting from injury to
life, limb or health, guarantees or claims under the Product Liability
Act (ProdHaftG). The same applies to breaches of duty by our vicarious
agents and our legal representatives. The essential contractual
obligations include, in particular, the obligation to hand over the item
to you and to give you ownership of it. Furthermore, we have to provide
you with the item free of material and legal defects.
§ 8 Consumer information: Participation in a dispute settlement procedure
We are willing to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a recognized consumer arbitration board.