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Atex motors 0.09 kW - 200 kW

JS-Technik GmbH is specialized on a wide range of challenges in the professional drive technology field. One of our focuses is on Atex asynchronous motors and geared motors.

 ATEX electric motor with gear




Atex gear motor with brake


On this page, you will find a selection of explosion-protected motors in grey-cast iron design in sizes of 71 - 63 and with powers of 0.09 kW, 0.18 kW, 0.25 kW, 0.37 kW, 0.55 kW, 0.75 kW, 1.1  kW, 1.5 kW, 2.2 kW, 3 kW, 4 kW, 5.5 kW, 7.5 kW, 11 kW, 15 kW, 18.5 kW, 22 kW, 30 kW, 37 kW, 55 kW, 75  kW, 90 kW, 110 kW, 160 kW and 200 kW. These motors are available in various speeds, i.e. motors with pole numbers of 2 (3000 rpm), 4 (1500 rpm), 6 (1000 rpm), 8 (750 rpm).

Hazardous areas and danger zones

Hazardous areas are zones where a potentially explosive atmosphere may form under certain conditions. An explosive atmosphere consists of a mixture of air and gases, vapours, fumes and combustible dusts in which, after the ignition, fire rapidly expands at normal air pressure. The user is obliged to make the classification of the hazardous areas on his own responsibility in accordance with the European Directive 1999/92/CE. International standards IEC 61241-10 provide instructions on how to classify the hazardous areas in terms of their chemical nature, their physical properties and in terms of the quantities of substances used and based on the frequency and period of time in which an explosive mixture may form.

Areas with explosive gas atmosphere

When the hazard is caused by the presence of gas, vapours or mists of combustible substances, the European Directive 1999/92/CE envisages a classification in three zones defined as follows:

 Zone 0

An area in which an explosive atmosphere is present continuously for long periods or very frequently. Power modules installed in this zone must be fitted with double insulation.

 Zone 1

An area in which an explosive atmosphere is expected to occur occasionally.  In this zone, explosion-protected electric motors or motors with increased safety (i.e. with the restrictions defined by the standards for these motors) are allowed to be installed.

 Zone 2

An area in which an explosive atmosphere is unlikely, and if it should occur it will be for a short time and then only rarely.  In addition to explosion-protected motors or motors with increased safety, also spark-free motors are allowed to be installed in this zone.

 Zones with combustible dust

When the hazard is caused by the presence of flammable and combustible dust, the European Directive 1999/92/CE envisages a classification in zones:

 Zone 20

An area in which an explosive atmosphere is present continuously for long periods or very frequently. In this zone, electric motors with EC type examination as per ATEX directive and with IP6x degree of protection are allowed to be installed.

 Zone 22

An area in which an explosive atmosphere is unlikely, and if it should occur it will be for a short time and then only rarely.  If electrically conductive dust is present, electric motors with EC type examination as per ATEX directive and with IP6x degree of protection are allowed to be installed in this zone. However, if electrically non-conductive dust is present, not only electric motors with IP6x degree of protection but also motors with IP5x degree of protection and with a declaration of conformity by the manufacturer are allowed to be installed in this zone.

Design to customers specifications

All EX motors listed in the online shop are equipped with pressure-resistant enclosure G Ex/d IIC T4 and comply with Atex directives. In many cases, EX motors are needed to be designed to match customer's individual requirements. With our qualified personnel, our large stock of motors and our own final assembly, we are a perfect partner for businesses that need external expertise in a large spectrum of issues.


When it comes to EX motors, we are a perfect partner for your business – whether it is a specific Atex brake motor, Atex geared motor, Atex bevel gear motor, explosion-protected motor, Atex three-phase motor with a specific line voltage, standard EX motor or motors with different degrees of protection.

SEO= Ex. Motor-11-15-18,5-22-37-45-55-75-90kW. Atex Motor-11KW│15KW│18,5KW│22KW│37KW